Out The Box Fitness


Long SLEEVE T-shirt



About Us

Jerome Jordan and Travohn majored together in Kinesiology at CSUDH both class of 2016. Through this experience, we built a bond, seeing that we had the same vision when it came to health and wellness. During this time we both were attempting to build our own BRAND.  Jerome was building WALLSTREETCROOKS and for myself, BIRDS. Both still close to our hearts. What we realized through this process is that it’s hard to build something when the teams are not all in as one. Long story short, Me and Rome never lost our drive to build something together. So here we are Out The Box. 
The brand is here to promote health and wellness while being a leader of your own will, one day at a time. We stand by the model #BEDIFFERENTDODIFFERENT because we all need to understand we are all able to attack an achieve anything we want with out the trends of others. An being #ONEPERCENTBETTEREVERYDAY because like the Great Nip says it’s a marathon. Daily growth in whatever field you choose, just a little bit at a time. We have to take control of our body and mind, our brand represents that. 
For all the Out The Box supporters… we work manifesting ideas to promote a better you. We just want to let you all know that the reason we standing on our feet is because of you all. We are very grateful an thankful for the love an support. We are here for you all. Thank you to @csudominguezhills as well. Yall helped us make this dream a reality.  #GOTOROS #NEVERSTOPDREAMING #KEEPGOING 


OTB Fitness Plan